Monday, October 29, 2007

Project Deleted - Muslin Tote Bag

Not sure what happened to this project, but the link was dead, so I removed it from the sewing list.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Project Feature: I'mm meeeeellllltttting...

No, this is not a post about icebergs. heh.

I received a comment linking to the following YouTube video, which I thought was pretty great. The pattern is for a messenger bag, but the video also shows how to fuse plastic grocery bags together to make plastic "fabric", which you could then use to sew a grocery bag.

I haven't tried it yet, but it seems you could also use this fusing technique to patch your old plastic grocery bags that you are reusing until they can be reused no more. Or nest two grocery bags together and fuse them for double strength. Seems like cashiers are always trying to double bags on me anyhow.

A lot of the video's comments asked why he bought a bag in order to get the buckles. Good point, but if you're like me, you have 87,000 bazillion old backpacks and bags with holes, etc., that really aren't usable but you hate to throw away. If not, go on Freecycle and ask for old backpacks with holes. Get the buckles off those and craft away.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fun With Video

Tesco is a supermarket chain in Great Britain that seems to get about as much love as Wal-Mart does on this side of the pond.

Here's a fun little video, mimicking Tesco's ads, that encourages people to shop locally.

I so admire the British way of getting a point across by using humor.